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You are here: Home > Applications > Zired Wind turbine with integrated Gravity Storage

Zired Wind turbine with integrated Gravity Storage


Zired Wind turbine with Gravity Storage is also long-term energy storage that stores energy based on the change in elevation imposed on an object (gravity plate). This type of energy is also called potential energy.

The device obtains energy from wind and purely mechanically drives the upper zired pump to raise the gravity plate in a water tank inside the wind turbine, creating this way potential energy. The pressure plate constantly pushes the water under it. The pressurized water continuously drives a zired motor on the bottom of the wind turbine, which in turn converts the stored energy into electricity via a standard electrical generator. Only environmentally friendly and 100% sustainable materials are used for the entire construction, e.g. iron, concrete and ceramics. Storage capacities of up to 1 GWh in absolute values and up to 1,5 GWh retrospectively can be achieved.



Zired Wind turbine with Gravity Storage has the following characteristics:


1. Electricity production on demand

2. Huge construction cost savings

3. Simultaneous variable energy storage and 24/7 stable power generation

4. If wind energy is not available for some time, gravity storage will
    continue to produce electricity for several days, weeks or even months
    (depending on storage capacity and daily consumption)

5. The upper Zired pump and Zired motor used each weigh around 100 kg and not several tons

6. A self-sufficient power supply is quite feasible

7. The simplified design of the Zired Gravity Storage Device makes it robust,
    relatively easy to build, and requires very little maintenance

8. Much better value for money

9. 100% sustainable and environmentally friendly construction
    without toxic substances and expensive materials

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